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Lubiniecki Welding & Equipment
Belarus Sales, Parts & Service


Home - Sales - Parts - Contact Us


We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, but some errors may be found.
If in doubt, verify the information with a sales representative.

Last updated on 02/06/2025 10:00 PM



Belarus 420A    628 hours

Belarus 420A 628 hours
Belarus 505

803 hrs

  Was $6,900

Now $5,900

Belarus 505
Belarus 5111

967 Hrs

Was $8,900

Now $7,900

Belarus 5111
Belarus 8011

Low hrs

Was $7,900

Now $6,900

Belarus 8011
Steiner 220

2 wd tractor with 20 hp Onan engine and 72" mower deck


Steiner 220
Ventrac 3100

4 wd tractor with new 21 hp B&S engine, 52" mower, leaf blower
and snow blower.


We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, but some errors may be found.
If in doubt, verify the information with a sales representative.

Sales, Service & Parts since 1976!

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